Well, Jason Varitek pinch hit the go-ahead run and just about won baseball boyfriend of the day, but at the very last second Jacoby Ellsbury made this crazy foul ball catch in the stands. It looks even crazier in the replay as you can see his legs flailing about. The best is he comes up all attitude like he's bad-ass. Silly rookie ;) I love him!
David Ortiz has never been in a bigger slump than he has so far this season. So on Sunday, Ortiz sat on the bench while his team played the Yankees and his jersey was dug of the new Yankee Stadium. On Monday, Ortiz and his jersery were back in the lineup and Big Papi got TWO hits! Coincidence? I think not! The curse of the jersey wasn't on the Yankees but on Ortiz. Now, with the curse lifted, we can look forward to many homeruns to come!
Can you guess whose line that is? Oki? MannyD? Nope!! It belongs to this nutcase: And his partner in crime hit a game winning homerun, they are definitely my collective player of the game... The come-from-behind 9th inning was phenomenal. It had it all -- great base running, bunting, Ortiz hitting!!!, and Manny's homerun. I couldn't pick a clip of the day so here's the whole half inning (up until the pitching change)...
And Manny actually spoke to the press about it. Well, "spoke to the press about it" might be an exaggeration. But he did stand in front of the mic looking just slightly less annoyed than Josh Beckett. His answers are, of course, unintentionally hilarious.
In an attempt to curse the New York Yankees, a Red Sox fan on the construction crew of the new Yankee Stadium buried an Ortiz jersey in the concrete of the new stadium. At first the Yankee management thought it was a joke, but upon realizing it was true, promptly dug it up. It took laborers 5 hours of overtime to collect the jersey. And I thought only Red Sox fans believed in curses.
I had heard the rumblings. I heard that the Sox might try to make Manny DelCarmen a closer -- just for those days that Papelbon is off, of course. Well, Manny D proved he's got the goods, as he earned a save against the New York Yankees on Sunday night. Watch out, Pap! You've got competition....
I don't have cable. Yesterday I thanked that baseball gods that I have MLB.tv because otherwise I would have missed the 9th inning of the Yankees game. I was excited to watch a game on FOX but I don't have FX! Today, I'm blacked out on MLB.tv and I don't have ESPN. So I'm cursing the baseball gods and MLB.tv. I decided to occupy myself with a game from last August, back when David Ortiz could hit. For some reason, the boys at Rays TV showed the Coco Crisp gets run over by a moose clip. It was a really good video of the incident, so I uploaded it for your viewing pleasure. That is, if you're not otherwise occupied by a certain Yankees game!
"I believe in the Church of Baseball. I've tried all the major religions, and most of the minor ones. I've worshipped Buddha, Allah, Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, trees, mushrooms, and Isadora Duncan. I know things. For instance, there are 108 beads in a Catholic rosary and there are 108 stitches in a baseball. When I heard that I gave Jesus a chace. But it just didn't work out between us. The Lord laid too much guilt on me. I prefer metaphysics to theology. You see, there's no guilt in baseball, and it's never boring, which makes it like sex... it's a long season and you gotta trust. I've tried 'em all, I really have, and the only church that truly feeds the soul, day in, day out, is the Church of Baseball." -Bull Durham