During the height of the Red Sox battle against the cold and flu season, I went to Fenway and came home with the flu! Coincidence? I think not! They lost that game against the Angels, but it was still great fun to be back at Fenway.
We got there in time to watch some batting practice
and Mike Timlin shag fly balls. Ortiz hit a bunch of balls out to us, which gave me a new appreciation for outfielders. The balls simply disappeared in the bright blue sky. I had to duck.
Julian Tavarez spent the entire batting practice talking at Oki and his translator. I'm pretty sure Oki doesn't understand a word Julian says. Luckily no fly balls hit the back of Julian's head.
Parlay the Parrot was safe and sound in the bullpen.
The Red Chair
It was supposed to be a Jon Lester game, but the flu wrecked havoc on the rotation. As a result, Justin Masterson was called up from AA and I got to see his outstanding Major League debut. 
Luckily, Wally didn't get the flu...
The pirates make their way to the pen. Most of them were affected by the flu, which was evident when they went on to lose the game for the rookie pitcher.
and about 5 minutes later, Julian Tavarez made his way to the pen. Someone forgot to wake him.
One of the highlights of the game was Big Papi's 2 run homer in the 9th. It was too little too late for the Sox, but slump busting for Big Papi.
The other highlight was definitely the great debut of the young Masterson.
The hawk even made an appearance.
It was good to see the new World Series flag flying high!
Outside after the game, President and CEO, Larry Lucchino, was walking around like a mere mortal, talking to vendors.