I had a very frustrating night last night. A perfectly good Schilling game was ruined by some horrible announcers from MASN. I've been watching all the 2007 Sox games on MLB.tv. MLB streams the television coverage of every game and for $5/month, you can watch whatever ones you want, whenever you want. It was fantastic until last night! You see MLB.tv doesn't cover the games themselves. They simply stream video from whatever network did cover the game. So If it was a big game (like Yankees vs. Red Sox) FOX or ESPN covers it. NESN covers the other home games. Other regional networks cover the away games.
I am, without a doubt, a biased fan. I was born a Sox fan and will always be a Sox fan. Even when I couldn't watch the games, I would never have rooted for another team. I've never had any interest in another team. I'm sure that there are plenty of things that Sox players do that I cheer or have a good laugh over, while finding the same things unacceptable if a Yankee did them. I'm sure that there are lots of things that Jerry Remy says about the opposing team that I find just lovely that if said by another announcer about my Sox, I'd be appalled. But seriously?
Last night I watched an Orioles game on MASN. The announcers were the rudest, more biased announcers I've ever experienced. They made the game unbearable. I considered skipping the game entirely and had it been a Tavarez game, I would have. But it was a well pitched Schilling game, so I watched on. The only thing that got me through it was the fact that I know the Sox go on to win the World Series, so I could scoff off all their little quips about how the Sox just don't have the defense that they did in 2006. Oh, and the fact that the Sox kicked the crap out of the Orioles.. that definitely helped.
There were lots of little annoyances, like the 4,000 times they said that ALL of the Sox outfielders were so slow that any ball to the outfield would be a hit. Yes, little Coco was resting his poor self after flipping over the bullpen wall and Willy Mo was in his place. But Drew is a very fast runner, despite the fact he's not teeny. And they were constantly putting down Schill, how he's too old and doesn't have what he used to and he's all for show.... AND THAT HE FAKED THE BLOODY SOCK. Seriously steam was coming out my ears. They said Mirabelli told them. Mirabelli was, of course, joking. And they talked about it like it was old news, like they've always known it and Mirabelli just finally confirmed it. That's just bad reporting... And I have another game from MASN to watch tonight and it's a BECKETT game! I will not throw things at the TV. I will not throw things at the TV. I will not...