I have to admit I was really worried about Coco when the whole of the Rays dugout landed on top of him. And the big guys thowing punches. I was surprised when he came out of the pack not bleeding. And afterwards he had this to say:
“I charged the mound. I feigned it like I was going to go to first base, just to get Navarro off me a little bit, and just charged the mound,” Crisp said. “He tried to hit me with a haymaker. He missed. I threw a punch. I pretty much missed. And the rest, went down to the ground… like the scratches on my face were people trying to scratch like we were playing football or something, like little girls, trying to scratch out my eyes. I move one hand down, scratch me right here [points to scratch to the right of his nose].“
“After that, people were trying to pull my hair like little girls. Instead of throwing some real punches or something like that… I’m down on the ground, I mean the fight’s pretty much over baseball-term wise. You wanna come in late, and throw some extra blows and get your little blows in, that’s cool. I’ll cover up. It’s all good, trying to pull some hair. It’s all right. It was between me and Shields that time and everybody tried to get their little blows in I think even more… he was unsure if he really wanted to hit me or not it seemed like, but ‘cause he didn’t really hit me hard."
Friday, June 6, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Thursday Night Fight Club

I couldn't figure out what to title this blog....Kevin Youkilis plays right field. Again.... The only team I hate more than the Yankees. .. In this corner, wearing the red socks: Cocovelli Crisp...The Sox turn on themselves. .. Manny not being Manny... A little toooo much testosterone at Fenway park.... The craziest game I've ever seen.... It's not even a full moon.... I heart both Chris Carters... What the H$@@??!?!? .... THe Red Sox steal back the limelight from the Celtics.... Cash plays DH while Youk plays RF... Lowell makes an error!!.. Timlin Rules!... Hell freezes over...
What an adrenaline rush. JD Drew still rocking the #3 spot. A 3-run homer for Manny. A bench clearing brawl. The starting pitcher tossed in the 2nd. Our centerfielder tossed...A game ending injury for Ellsbury (the back up center fielder). Kevin Youkilis in right field. Again. A first major league hit for another Chris Carter.... a whole bunch of catches for Chris Carter... A fight between Manny and Youk?!?! ... Whew!!
I often fall asleep during the last few innings of games and have to watch them the next morning. It's not that the games are dull. It's that I get up at 5am. Nonetheless, I fear I might not sleep at all tonight. The Sox-Rays game is an adrenaline roller-coaster. The best and worst of baseball all rolled into one never-ending game that's conflicting with the Celtics game, even though it was moved up in order to not conflict. Woah, I can't remember such a wild game as this. It really started Wednesday night when Coco Crisp was blocked diving into second on a steal and hurt his thumb. He retaliated a few innings later by taking out Iwamura who was covering the bag.
So the first innning, Dustin Pedroia gets hit and takes his base. It has no meaning to me. Yet... JD Drew is loving life at number 3 and gets a hit. 2 are on. Manny hits 503. A 3-run homerun. He hit it right over the monster. In fact, some guys in the parking lot retrieve it. I launch off the couch. Life is good!
Then the 2nd inning, Coco Crisp leads off. I ran to the bedroom during the commercial break to get some laundry. I heard a lot of cheering and no announcing. I run back in. HOLY CRAP!!! Huge pile of players. I rewind... 2nd pitch to Coco, Shields throws directly at his thigh. Coco shakes his head like he knew it was coming. Then he charges the mound. Shields winds and throws a punch but Coco dodges and gets a punch in to the shoulder. Complete choas ensues. It may well be the best brawl I've seen. It'll be way funnier when I stop being mad...
I gotta say that I can't not believe the nastiness from Carl Crawford and Johnny Gomes. They were not at all involved in the original issue, yet they come in and start punching a pinned Coco Crisp in the head. Gomes got caught and tossed. Crawford will sure share in the suspension. The suspension concerns me because we are short one maybe two outfielders... but we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it.
The beautiful moment of the brawl: Coco popping out of the pile between someone's legs and not bleeding. That and that dodge of the first punch, his boxer dad must be proud. It had to be done. This fight was going to happen and it was genius for Crisp to get it over with in the first inning -- before Lugo and/or Pedroia got hit -- before Shields got deep into the game. So the Rays lose their starter and the Sox lose their centerfielder. No worries... Our left fielder (Ellsbury) is also a centerfielder and we've just called up a rookie left-fielder, so Manny can DH.
So I'm reeling. I'm so excited to witness the stupidity of the Rays that they'd throw at Crisp in his first at bat. I've seen times when our starters wanted to throw at someone but refrain because of the threat of suspension or the threat of losing the games. But the Rays don't have this sense. I'm prepared for a huge blowout ballgame. Bring it!!
And it goes well. Not super-well, but well enough until. gASP! Ellsbury makes a superlative catch but rolls his wrist ala JD Drew in the process. CRAP. Francona is out to check. CRAP. He takes Ellsbury out of the game. On any other day this would be not the biggest deal. A bummer for sure, but today... Coco Crisp is already ejected and Manny is the DH so he can't move to left. The Sox are, once again, forced to put Kevin Youkilis in right field. Oh brother. This is quickly becoming a nightmare. Ladies and gentlemen, announcing, from left to right, your Boston Red Sox outfield... CHRIS CARTER, JD Drew, and KEVIN YOUKILIS. Oh, God, help us!
Okay, it all seems okay. Lester is pitching really well, so that helps the Sox make it through the next few inning then WHAT THE ??@?$?@$ A brawl in the dugout??? In our dugout?? What?? between Youk and and and MANNY???? Don't be ridiculous! What did Youk say he was a better outfielder than Manny?? Check it, Manny full on, has to be restrained:
Unbelievable. Rendered speechless, Don and Jerry have no choice but to turn on one another:
It reminds me of an X-Files episode where the moons and stars and birthdates aligned to turn friends to enemies. It was probably written by the other Chris Carter...
I remember reading about Chris Carter during spring training. I liked him immediately since he shared a name with the X-files creator. The article set him up as the guy who had nothing going for him but worked harder than anyone. He was on the field at first light still there well after the sun had set. I liked him. And here he is.. and lucky for Youk, the Rays hit ball after ball to left and Chris Carter proved he is awesome and Youk didn't have to prove anything. Eventually Youk had to catch a few and did so just fine. He's a dirtdog, afterall.. And after all sorts of more mild drama, Timlin pitched an inning and 2/3rd (i think) of shut out ball. Manny out with his hamstring. Cash in to pinch run... Youk got hit by a pitch but all really was well (enough) and the Sox won 7-1. I was hoping for 20-1 but I'll take whatever I can get. The Tampa Bay Rays have officially moved to the top of my most hated team list thanks to the unpunished, Carl Crawford. Watch out, Crawford. The Sox never forget...
The real highlight of the game: Coco Crisp got a standing O from the Fenway Faithful when he got kicked out of the game for fighting. God bless you, Coco Crisp....
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
X-Files: I Want To Believe
I've wanted to believe that there would be an X-Files movie for years now and it's finally on the way!! Xfiles.com now has a trailer up and some photos. The premiere is schedule for July 25th!
How does he do it?

I feel for catchers. I can't imagine squatting for 3 or more hours a day for a 100 days or more of the year. But I've noticed that Tek actually squats down to rest when he's on base! It's like he's more comfortable in a squat than he is standing up! I wonder if he squats to watch tv in the off-season ;)
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