Maybe it's all those years of experience, watching the sox let all their best players walk away.... Maybe it's the change of the seasons -- the cold is starting to set in... Maybe it's just my nature, but I'm feeling a little pessimistic these days. Four teams have offered Mike Lowell (did I mention I was born in Lowell, MA?) a better deal. It doesn't seem likely that he'll follow Damon over to NY because A-Rod has pathetically crawled back to the Yankees begging for his job back. Guess he isn't worth $350M after all. Surprise, surprise... So the Yankees would want Lowell to play first and why would he want to do that?? I just hope Lowell makes a decision soon and puts me out of my misery...
Speaking of misery, will you take a look at that goatee?? Everyone bags on Youk's facial hair but seriously what the --? It looks like Mike shaves the top of his mustache and beard off. AND it's crooked! I really thought the big attraction for men to grow facial hair was to NOT shave. But this beard requires precision shaving. But all that extra effort has definitely paid off just look at that HOT goatee!
Then there's this whole Japan thing. I read that the sox will have to cut spring training short by 2 weeks which is bad for the team and bad for the fans. And then there's the very good chance that Dice-K won't even go????! !? Mrs. Dice-K will be giving birth right around then. I totally get his dilemma but wasn't he the underlying reason for the trip??
I'm going back to my happy little flashback world of April 2007 when Mike Lowell was clearly a Red Sox, or is it sock? what's the singular of sox? How 'bout sox player. Last night the Sox played the Jays with Wakefield (another town in MA) pitching. Besides boring the hell out me, Wakefield held them to only one run (a HR), dominating the Jay's batting order. Pap closed and (gasp!) WALKED someone. I was quick to blame Mirabelli but Pap came back to strike out 2 and save the game. Whew!
Jerry Remy seriously underestimates the value of the pitcher catcher relationship. Didn't he ever watch Bull Durham??