Monday, October 27, 2008

Thanks to Tim McCarver, Phillies Win Big

Tim McCarver and FOX wanted everyone to know that the Phillies were struggling with men in scoring position. He reminded us every single time a man got in scoring position. Did you hear they were 2-33 with RISP coming into the game? Wow, it's no wonder the Phillies were losing, huh? If only they had hit with men in scoring position, they might have won. Wait. They did win. In fact, they were up in the series 2-1. Nonetheless, McCarver had a point to make and he made it perfectly clear when he said "it's almost as though the Phillies can't drive in a run unless they drive in themselves." Seriously! It's like he's writing the script for the mockumentary version of the World Series - yes it's the "Best in Show" for baseball fans. Now that's a great idea! But I digress... After McCarver's wise words, the Phillies did figure out how to drive in themselves. Ryan Howard really benefited from the baseball strategy lesson, hitting 2 homeruns and earning 5 RBIs.

Rant aside, FOX really rocks compared to TBS. Although I do miss Sager's suits.

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