Now that the bitter sting of of that 3-1 Game 7 loss has faded, I can look back with a somewhat rational eye at the 2008 season. What a season it was, huh? What looked like it would be a sweet ride to the series became a long, hard fought battle that proved the character of the team, the players, and the front office. From Japan to the Fenway Flu, from Manny's high-fiving catch and his 500th homer to his adolescent melt-down, it was a wild ride. I'd like to thank the organization for a fantastic year and for all the great memories...
- the emergence of Justin Masterson
- Jon Lester's no-hitter and his rise to become one of baseball's best
- Jed Lowrie saving us from the E6
- Fight Night
- Youk's beard
- Youk badass at either corner
- Jason Bay was welcomed aboard in Fenway Fashion
- JD Drew replacing Papi's bat and winning All-Star MVP
- Pedey batting cleanup
- Ozzie intentionally walking a jockey
- Knuckleballs -- the old guys' shutout
- Dice-K's magical, yet baffling record
- Casey being Casey = hilarious
- Youk in right field
- Youk in right field again
- Game 5
Thank you, Boston Red Sox, thank you! I look forward to hearing what our fearless Theo has in store for the off-season...
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