Friday, July 18, 2008

Is Boston's bad boy ruining his reputation?

According to ESPN, while other players were off at the beach and whatnot for the All-Star break, Josh Beckett was back home in Texas working on his pitches. And according to sources there, Beckett sounds like a real nice guy! =o
The relationship between the Sox ace and the [Trinity University] players progressed to the point where they'd hang out together off the field. In the evening, Beckett would pick up some of the older guys in his truck and take them out to dinner or for a beer. (Fregosi: "I would offer to split the check. He said, 'When you're making more money then me you can start buying.") And this past November, Beckett took 22 Trinity players to a Spurs game. "It was awesome," Bronson says of the time with Beckett. "There was no separation. He basically acted like one of us, like one of our good friends."

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