Monday, February 18, 2008

Gagne "Apologizes"

In an AP article, Gagne was quoted about the Mitchell Report:
"I'm here to let you know I feel bad for my family, what they had to go through, and all my friends, especially my teammates here with Milwaukee," Gagne said a statement. "That's a distraction that shouldn't be taking place. I'm just here to help the Milwaukee Brewers get to the World Series and playoffs, and that's all I really care about."

Is that an apology? I can't tell... He called the Mitchell Report a "distraction that shouldn't be taking place"! Wow! That's some serious blame shifting. It's not his past behavior that the distraction -- it's the Report. Nowhere in there does he acknowledge that he did anything wrong or that he is sorry for... errrrrrr... Never been happier to see the Sox let a player go...

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