Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Baseball in Reno

There have been rumors buzzing around the biggest little city for years about a new minor league baseball team. We had a team once (like when I first moved here). They played down at that ballpark on Moana. And then there are the Silver Sox. Poor Silver Sox get no respect. Are they even still in town? Ahh, I looked it up. They are in town and play up at UNR. They are an independent league, with no MLB affiliate. So anyway, I have much more freetime now that I'm not constantly looking for Mike Lowell information, so I did some research on the new Reno baseball team. They are planning on building on huge stadium -- 10,000 seats -- for the Tuscon Sidewinders. They're an affiliate of the D-Backs, a (gasp) NL team!

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