Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's Millar Time

I like it when the Orioles come to town because you can always count on Kevin Millar to be entertaining even in the dullest of games. Last night was a perfect example. I spent the first half of the game trying to figure out if Millar had orange pom poms on his shoes. From a distance pom poms was my best guess.

Equally entertained by Millar's feet, Don and Jerry gave us a close up, revealing the heavy orange laces. Perfect!

Those also revealed Millar's new do, which they called bright yellow. I think it was just bleached, actually, but it's entertaining nonetheless! Lovelovelove Kevin Millar!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

On Demand TV for FREE

It's too smokey to go outside today, so I thought I'd get some computer work done. First though, I just had to post my 10 second copyright violating clip of Manny hurdling little Ellsbury, but I remembered that both my youtube and aol accounts were deleted. I check on redlasso (who are kind enough to fight the copyright fight for me) but of course they don't have nesn, so they don't have the footage for me to clip. So I search on for a new video server. I come across a few that might work for a while, until the inevitable happens... more importantly though, I came across a site called hulu where you can watch tv shows and movies for free. It's so cool. They stream almost instantly and go full screen -- real full screen without headers even! The choices are clearly limited, but I don't have cable and so this hulu thing is the coolest thing I've seen in sometime =)

My favorite moment

Alhtough I did enjoy the hit parade that was last night's game, I got the best laugh from this Manny moment when he hurdled little Ellsbury to avoid a collison out there in left center. Here's the copy that is totally owned by nesn and illegally posted by me:

Answering the call...

Extra Bases reported that Manny was seen in the scoreboard, escaping the sweltering sun at Fenway yesterday during a pitching change. I know it's not unusual for Manny to be seen in the scoreboard. What was unusual this time, is that he was seen making a phone call. Lol. Manny got his bat back and his sense of humor =)

In more cellphone news, Extra Bases also reported that Mike Lowell was caught stealing -- a cellphone, not a base! When asked about it, Lowell said he only stole the phone because there were no peanuts or nachos to steal. He said he's always on the look out for peanuts and nachos. Would have been even funnier if he stole a beer! There are video clips of the snatch on the Extra Bases blog.

And most importantly, the batting gods smiled upon the struggling sox lineup last night and gave every slumping sock his swing back. Even long after the game was one and everyone, especially Jerry Remy, wanted to go home and kick back a cold beer, they kept on hitting and hitting and hitting. This game will definitely be used as an argument in favor of allowing to teams to forfeit their at-bats.... Here's hoping the boys can keep the hitting going right through the weekend as the Orioles come to town.

Personally, I've been buying into all the all-star hype, getting all psyched up for another all-star game, forgetting that I hate all-star snooze-fests. I've been a little bit stressed about what exactly I'm going to do with myself over the 3 off days, though. And then I remembered that the All-Star break isn't a national holiday and I don't actually have any days off! Still don't know what I'm going to do without ballgames to watch!