Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sidetracked: Kitchen Floor Before

My kitchen floor has been slowly demo-ing itself. It's so miserable it's jumping off the floor. At some point, I'm going to put in a dishwasher and move around cabinets in the kitchen, so I'm not ready to commit to an actual floor but can't live tripping over peeling linoleum anymore, so I ordered some inexpensive vinyl tiles to cover it in the meanwhile.

Since the edges were rolling up off the subfloor, I assumed it would be easy to remove the linoleum. Haha! The joke was on me. I'm left with a layer of glue, a layer of paper, and sometimes a layer of vinyl to scrape off. Good times.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Living Room Closet Makeover: Before

Having only three closets in the house, each is pretty important. This is by far the biggest of the three so it needs to store just about everything. Closet organizing systems are ridiculously expensive, so my plan is to fill it will shelves and baskets. Here are the before pictures.