Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 2 of Game 1

14 hours later and I haven't finished the game. Last night, the archive went up at 10:30pm PST. Yes, that's 1:30am EST and it wasn't even a 5 hour Sox-Yankees marathon. I watched the top of the first. Then I started the bottom and the video got choppy and eventually stalled. I tried changing my settings and then it wouldn't play at all. I rebooted, cycle, ran in circles and threw the remote. Nothing could get me through the first inning. So I listened to it on GameDay Audio. Of course, I didn't stay awake for long but I woke periodically so I got the gist of the game. This morning I tried rewatching and of course, it worked beautifully. I watched through 3 innings and had to go to work. I sat down an hour ago to watch the rest of the game and I can't get it to work. I click and click and click some more but I can't get it to jump to the fourth inning and when I start from the first (which I don't want to do, obviously) the video freezes. If I try to adjust my video settings, it freezes. FANTASTIC!

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